
This section details the contents of the XML configuration file used by NGAS.

Each sub-section describes an XML Element, while the items listed on each subsection refer to an attribute unless specified otherwise.

All elements share an Id attribute to uniquely identify them.

For a sample configuration file see the sample configuration file shipped with NGAS.


Contains the overall server configuration.

  • RootDirectory: The root directory which most of the other configuration items are relative to.
  • ArchiveName: The logical name under which disks found by the server are grouped into. Using this, disks found in different servers may belong to the same logically distributed archive.
  • BlockSize: The block size used for disk and network access, and checksum calculation. In the future different configuration options may be offered for these different operations.
  • IpAddress: The IP address to bind the server to. If not specified the server will bind itself to To bind the server to all interfaces can be set.
  • PortNo: The port to bind the server to. It defaults to 7777 if unspecified.
  • VolumeDirectory: The base directory where volumes are searched for. It relative, it is considered relative to the NGAS root directory. Defaults to ..
  • MaxSimReqs: The maximum number of requests the server can be serving at a given time. If a new request comes in and the server has reached the limit already, it will respond with an 503 HTTP code.
  • PluginsPath: A colon-separated list of directories where external python code, like NGAS plug-ins or database drivers, can be loaded from.
  • ProxyMode: Whether this server should act as a proxy when serving requests that are addressed to a different server within the same cluster (1) or not (0). See Proxy behavior for details.
  • RequestDbBackend: The implementation of the request database that should be used. Allowed values are memory, bsddb and null. See Requests database for details. Defaults to null.


This element defines the set of actions this server is allowed to perform.

  • AllowArchiveReq: Whether archiving is allowed on this server.
  • AllowProcessingReq: Whether processing is allowed on this server.
  • AllowRemoveReq: Whether removal of files is allowed on this server.
  • AllowRetrieveReq: Whether retrieval of files is allowed on this server.


This element contains the database connection parameters.

  • Interface: The python module implementing the PEP-249 Database API Specification v2.0.
  • MaxPoolConnections: The maximum number of connections to be contained in the connection pool.
  • Snapshot: Whether the snapshoting feature of NGAS will be turned on or off. It is recommended to leave it off.
  • UseFileIgnore: Whether the code should use file_ignore or simply ignore as the column name to store the ignore flag of files in the ngas_files table. The latter was used by some particular combinations of old versions of the NGAS code and database engines, while the former is the default nowadays.
  • SessionSql: Zero or more XML sub-elements, each with an sql attribute denoting an SQL statement that will be executed whenever a physical connection is established by the connection pool to the database server. Usually these will not be required, but can be useful, for instance, if one needs to execute a command to switch to a different database.

The rest of the attributes on the Db element are used as keyword arguments to create connection from the database module selected with the Interface attribute, and therefore don’t have fixed names on them as they depend on the module in use.

For example, to connect to a PostgreSQL database using the psycopg2 module one could use:

<Db Id="db-config"

In the example, the Snapshot, UserFileIgnore and Interface attributes work as described above, while host, dbname, user and password are keyword arguments accepted by the psycopg2.connect method.


This element lists user-defined command plug-ins. For details on commands in general see the commands overview section. For details on command plug-ins see the commands plug-in section.

The Comands element contains zero or more XML sub-elements named Command, each of which must define the following attributes:

  • Name: The command name, case-sensitive.
  • Module: The python module implementing this command.


Lists a mapping of filename extensions and mime types. It contains one or more MimeTypeMap elements, each one listing the following attributes:

  • Extension: A filename extension.
  • MimeType: The mime-type associated to that filename extension.

This information is used, for example, by the ARCHIVE command when no mime-type information has been sent by the user.


Lists the storage sets (i.e., groups of disks) available to NGAS. Inside the StorageSets element one or many StorageSet elements can be found, each one listing the following attributes:

  • StorageSetId: The name this storage set can be referenced by.
  • MainDiskSlotId: The name of the directory where the data will be stored. If a relative path is given, it is considered to be relative to the NGAS volumes directory.
  • RepDiskSlotId: The name of the directory where the data will be replicated. If a relative path is given, it is considered to be relative to the NGAS volumes directory.

For an explanation on volumes, main/replication disks, directories and storage sets please read Storage organization.


Lists the mappings from data types to storage sets. This element contains one or more Stream elements, each of which lists the following attributes:

  • MimeType: The data type of this stream.
  • PlugIn: The plug-in used to process incoming data of this type.
  • PlugInPars: An optional, comma-separated, key=value string with parameters that can be communicated to the plug-in.

References to storage sets are included by adding StorageSetRef sub-elements, each of which should have a StorageSetId attribute pointing to the corresponding storage set.

For an explanation on streams please read Storage organization.


Contains archiving-related configuration. For an explanation on most of these terms see Storage organization for reference.

  • PathPrefix: The top-level directory on each volume under which NGAS will store incoming data.
  • Replication: Whether data will be replicated during archiving from the Main disk to a Replication disk
  • BackLogBuffering: whether data stored during a failed ARCHIVE command might be temporarily kept in storage to try to finish its archiving later on in the background.
  • BackLogBufferDirectory: The top-level directory on each volume where backlogged files will be temporarily stored.
  • CRCVariant: The CRC algorithm (and implementation) to use to calculate the checksum of incoming files. See CRC for details. If not specified the server will use the crc32 variant. If specified, 0 means crc32, 1 means crc32c and 2 means crc32z.
  • EventHandlerPlugIn: Zero or more sub-elements defining additional modules that will handle archiving events. Each element should have a Name attribute with the fully-qualified class name implementing the plug-in, and an optional PlugInPars attribute with a comma-separated key=value definitions, which are passed down to the class constructor as keyword arguments.
  • FreeSpaceDiskChangeMb: How much available free space in a disk will trigger an error notification to change that disk (see Notification for details).
  • MinFreeSpaceWarningMb: Minimum amount of free space a disk should have. If a disk has less free space than that a warning email is sent (see Notification).


The Processing element defines the behavior of the optional on-the-fly processing capabilities attached to the RETRIEVE command. The following attributes are supported:

  • ProcessingDirectory: The directory (potentially relative to the NGAS root directory) where a processing directory will be created on, under which temporary files used during on-the-fly processing will be put under.

Under the Processing element, one or more PlugIn sub-elements can be placed, one per processing plug-in to be declared. Each PlugIn element accepts the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the python module (with a similarly-named function) where the plug-in is implemented.
  • PlugInPars: A comma-separated list of key=value parameter definitions to be passed to the plug-in.

Finally, inside each PlugIn element one or more MimeType elements can be added to specify which MIME types will be processed by the plug-in. Each MimeType element needs to have a Name attribute with specifying the MIME type.


The Register element configures the plug-ins to be used by the REGISTER command.

Plug-ins are configured per mime-type. Like Processing, one or more PlugIn sub-elements can be placed under the Register element, following the same guidelines.


The Notification element defines the behavior of the server email notifications. The following attributes are available:

  • Active: Whether notifications are enabled or not. Note that even if disabled, there are some notifications (that are considered too important to be missed) that will still be sent.
  • SmtpHost: The SMTP host to use as the email agent.
  • Sender: The email address that will appear in the Sender: field of emails sent by this mechanism.
  • MaxRetentionTime: Maximum amount of time an undelivered email will be internally kept for before the system decides not to deliver it.
  • MaxRetentionSize: Maximum amount of undelivered emails the system will keep internally before it starts dropping old emails.

Emails resulting from different events can be configured to be sent to one or more email addresses. This is done by defining EmailRecipient elements, each with an Address attribute whose value is the target email address. These EmailRecipient elements are then added as children of the following sub-elements of Notification:

  • AlertNotification: (Deprecated) Never sent.
  • ErrorNotification: Sent in a number of different error situations.
  • DiskSpaceNotification: Sent when, during operations, one or more disk are found to have less free space than the configured amount (see ArchiveHandling).
  • DiskChangeNotification: Sent when a disk is full, potentially requiring a change.
  • NoDiskSpaceNotification: Sent when, during operations, no sufficient space can be found in one or more disks.
  • DataCheckNotification: Sent by the Data check thread informing about the results of the data checking process. Normally sent only if there are errors to be reported, but can be configured to be always sent (see DataCheckThread)

Below is an example illustrating a valid configuration:

<Notification Id="Notification"
              Active="0" MaxRetentionSize="1" MaxRetentionTime="00T00:30:00"
              Sender="" SmtpHost="localhost">
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>
    <EmailRecipient Address=""/>


The JanitorThread element defines the behavior of the Janitor Thread (now actually implemented as a separate process). The following attributes are available:

  • SuspensionTime: The sleep time after a janitor cycle.
  • MinSpaceSysDirMb: The minimum space to be found on each volume during each cycle. If not enough space is found the system is sent to OFFLINE state.
  • PlugIn: An XML sub-element with a Name attribute, naming a python module where a Janitor plug-in resides. Multiple Plugin elements can be defined.


The DataCheckThread element defines the behavior of the Data check thread. The following attributes are available:

  • Active: Whether the data-check thread should be allowed to run or not.
  • MaxProcs: Maximum number of worker processes used to carry out the data checking work load.
  • MinCycle: The time to leave between data-check cycles.
  • ForceNotif: Forces the sending of a notification report after each data-check cycle, even if not problems were found.
  • Scan: Whether files should be scanned only (1) or actually checksumed (0).

The following attributes are present in old configuration files but are not used anymore: FileSeq, DiskSeq, LogSummary, Prio, ChecksumPlugIn (see CRCVariant instead) and ChecksumPlugInPars.


The Caching element defines the behavior of the cache control thread. When enabled, it is said that the NGAS server is running in cache mode. The following attributes are available:

  • Enable: Whether the cache control thread should run or not.
  • Period: The period at which the cache control thread runs.
  • MaxTime: The maximum time files can stay in the cache.
  • MaxCacheSize: The maximum total allowed volume of files in the cache.
  • MaxFiles: The maximum allowed number of files in the cache.
  • CacheControlPlugIn: A user-provided cache deletion plug-in that decides whether individual files should be marked for deletion.
  • CacheControlPlugInPars: Parameters for the plug-in above.
  • CheckCanBeDeleted: Check if a file marked for deletion has been sent to all subscribers yet before actual deletion occurs.


The server outputs its logs to stdout, to a file, and to syslog, all of which are optional. The Log element of the configuration file contains the details to configure the server logging output.

  • LocalLogFile: The file where the logs are dumped to. If given as a relative path it is relative to the NGAS root directory.
  • LocalLogLevel An integer from 1 to 5 indicating the log levels that the server should output to LocalLogFile.
  • LogRotateInt: The interval after which the LocalLogFile is rotated. Specified as THH:mm:SS. Defaults to 10 minutes.
  • LogRotateCache: The amount of rotated files to retain. If more rotated files are found, they are removed by the system.
  • SysLog: An integer indicating whether syslog logging is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
  • SysLogPrefix: The string used as prefix for all syslog messages.
  • SysLogAddress: The address where the syslog messages should be sent to. If not specified a platform-dependent default value is used.
  • ArchiveRotatedLogfiles: An integer indicating whether rotated logfiles should be locally archived by NGAS (1) or not (0). Defaults to 0.
  • LogfileHandlerPlugIn: Zero or more sub-elements defining additional modules that will handle rotated logfiles. Each element should have a Name attribute with the fully-qualified module name implementing the plug-in inside a run method, and a PlugInPars element with a comma-separated, key=value pairs.


The Authorization element defines the authentication and authorization rules that the NGAS server will follow when receiving commands from clients. For details see Authorization.

The Authorization element has an Enable attribute which determines whether authentication and authorization is enabled (1) or not (0). The Authorization element also has an Exclude attribute for defining a list of commands that are to be excluded from authoriztion. Zero or more User XML sub-elements also describe a different user recognized by NGAS. Each User element should have the following attributes:

  • Name: The username.
  • Password: The base64-encoded password.
  • Commands: A comma-separated list of commands this user is allowed to execute. The special value * is interpreted as all commands.


The SubscriptionAuth element defines the authentication/authorisation configuration to use when acting as a client when using the subscription service. Currently it has only one element PlugInName, which follows the usual rules for plugins as noted above, with PlugInName being the name of the module to import. This module should have a callable which matches with the signature:

ngas_subscriber_auth(filename, url)

Provides authentication information needed to send filename to url.

This function should return an object that can be handled by the auth keyword argument of requests.requests, which is generally either a string, or an instance of requests.auth.AuthBase. None can be returned in the case where the authentication is not needed.

  • filename (str) – The filename to be sent
  • url (str) – The url to send the filename to

An object used by requests to authenticate the connection

Return type:

requests.auth.AuthBase, None, str


The HostSuspension element defines the behavior of the server suspension. The following attributes are defined:

  • IdleSuspension: Whether suspension is enabled (1) or not (0).
  • IdleSuspensionTime: The amount of idle time after which a server will suspend itself.
  • SuspensionPlugIn and SuspensionPlugInPars: The plug-in used to perform suspension, and its parameters.
  • WakeUpServerHost: The server in charge of waking up server that are idling.
  • WakeUpPlugIn and WakeUpPlugInPars: The plug-in used to perform the wake-up, and its parameters.
  • WakeUpCallTimeOut: Maximum amount of time that a wake up call should take. If a server cannot be woken up after this timeout it is considered to be still idling.


The SystemPlugIns element defines a collection of system-level plug-ins. These plug-ins are used for different purposes, either by a command or by the core system. The *PlugIn attributes name a python module that offers a function with the same name, while the *PlugInPars attributes are a comma-separated key=value parameter pairs:

  • LabelPrinterPlugIn and LabelPrinterPlugInPars: The plug-in that brings hardware-specific capabilities to the LABEL command.
  • OfflinePlugIn and OfflinePlugInPars: The plug-in used to bring the server to OFFLINE state (see States).
  • OnlinePlugIn and OnelinePlugInPars: The plug-in used to bring the server to ONLINE state (see States).
  • DiskSyncPlugIn and DiskSyncPlugInPars: The plug-in used to perform a full disk sync.


The PartnerSites element defines a list of alternative (remote) NGAS servers belonging to separate NGAS archive installations. When a request to retrieve a file cannot be found on the local NGAS archive the request is redirected to the NGAS servers included in the partner sites list. The ProxyMode attribute can be used to enable/disable partner sites. Several PartnerSite child elements can be added containing the Address attribute for the remote NGAS server address.