
An NGAS server works by replying to HTTP requests sent to it. All URLs used to contact NGAS have the following structure:


The server and port parts indicate where the NGAS server is listening for requests. The command part is a simple name, usually in uppercase, like ARCHIVE or RETRIEVE, and indicates the action to be performed by the server. An optional list of parameters, separated by an ampersand (&) sign, and optionally each having a value, provides further details about the action to be performed.

NGAS currently supports the POST, GET and PUT HTTP methods only. In general the method used to invoke a command does not make a difference, but some commands have different behavior depending on the HTTP Method being used. Refer to the documentation of each command for more details.

All commands return an HTTP status code that reflects the outcome of the operation (200 for success, 3xx for redirections, 4xx for errors). Additionally some commands return a status XML document with a more detailed description of the operation result.

One can configure an NGAS server to accept HTTP requests only from authenticated users, and moreover to allow certain commands to certain users only. Please refer to Authorization for more details.

The following is a list of the most relevant commands supported by NGAS. More commands can be added in the form of plug-ins (see Commands for details).

There are three ways in which commands are found by NGAS:

  • There is a fixed set of built-in commands. Users cannot override these with their own. Commands like RETRIEVE and STATUS belong to this category.
  • Modules with a name following the pattern ngamsPlugin.ngamsCmd_<CMD>. For historical reasons there are a number of commands that are shipped with NGAS, but that are implemented as plug-ins, and are named following this pattern. In future releases these will be shipped as regular built-in commands, and therefore this special pattern will no longer be considered.
  • User-written plug-ins that are registered in the Commands section of the server configuration.