
The following commands deal with logical containers. For an explanation on containers see Logical Containers.

For container-related commands in general, when dealing with existing containers the following rule applies: if the container can be uniquely identified by name the container_name parameter is enough to describe it; otherwise the container_id parameter must be given.


Creates one or more containers but without adding files into them.

To create a single container the container_name parameter must be present, optionally the parent_container_id can be given, and the request must be performed using the GET method. To create multiple containers an XML document must be sent in the request body containing elements with a name attribute, and optionally a parentContainerId attribute at the root level. Nested elements are allowed to create a hierarchy of containers.


Archives files and creates the necessary containers for them.

This command reads a MIME Multipart message from the request body. The Content-Disposition header of the multipart message contains the name of the container. The messages inside the multipart message each contains in turn a Container-Disposition header indicating the name of the file they represent, and their payload is the file’s content. A multipart message may also contain multipart messages inside, creating a hierarchy of containers.


Appends an existing file into an existing container.

If using the GET method the file_id parameter must point to a file that will be added to the container. Multiple files can also be added at once when using the POST method and sending an XML document in the request body consisting of a list of File elements, each with a FileId attribute in them pointing to an existing file.


Destroys a single container, without removing its files.

If the optional recursive parameter is set to 1 the children containers will also be removed recursively.


Removes an existing file from an existing container.

File specifications follow the same rules followed by CAPPEND.


Retrieves all the contents of a container.

See CARCHIVE for a description of the format used by the response body to transmit the contents of the container. Alternatively, if a format parameter with the value application/x-tar is given, the contents of the container will be retrieved as an uncompressed tarfile instead.


Returns a status XML document containing the container hierarchy rooted at the specified container.