
Installing from source

First, get the latest NGAS sources:

git clone

Installing NGAS from source is pretty straight-forward. There are two ways to perform an installation:

  • Manually.
  • Using Fabric. This is the recommended way, if possible, as it automates most of the installation steps while still being highly customisable.

Manual installation


Like any other python package, NGAS can be installed in a virtual environment or as a system-wide package.

To manually install NGAS go to the root directory and simply run:


Run ./ -h to see the full set of options. Among the options users can choose whether to skip the build of the C-written clients, to install the python packages in development mode, and to build NGAS without CRC32c support (see CRC for details).

The script will (optionally) build and install the C NGAS client first, and then will build and install each of the python modules (i.e., ngamsCore, ngamsPClient, ngamsServer and ngamsPlugIns). The python modules will automatically pull and install their dependencies.


If any step of the build fails the script will stop and notify the user. It is the user’s responsibility to install any missing build dependencies. To avoid these issues you can also try the Fabric installation

In addition, the script recognizes when a virtual environment is loaded, and will install the C client on it, as well as the python modules.

The C client compilation is based on autotools, meaning that it can also be manually compiled and installed easily via the usual:

$> ./bootstrap
$> ./configure
$> make all
$> make install

The Python modules are all setuptool-based packages, meaning that they can also be manually compiled and installed easily via the usual:

$> python install

Via Fabric


The installation via Fabric always installs NGAS in a virtualenv

Fabric is a tool that allows to perform commands in one or more hosts, local or remote (via SSH). NGAS comes with a set of fabric modules to ease the installation of NGAS in complex scenarios, and to automate most of the system-level preparation tasks. This enables not only a simple procedure for installing NGAS in any host or hosts at a given time, but also the customization of the hosts as necessary, plus any other extra step required by other scenarios.

Fabric’s command-line allows users to specify the username and hosts where tasks will take place, and a set of variables to be defined. For example:

fab -H -u user some_task --set VAR1=a,VAR2

In the example the instructions of the task some_task will be carried out in host with the user user, and the VAR1 variable will be set to the value a, while variable VAR2 will be marked as set.

For a complete list of tasks run fab -l. For a detailed description of a task run fab -d <task>. For a more complete manual visit Fabric’s documentation.

The two main fabric tasks NGAS provides are:

  • User installation: This task compiles and installs NGAS under a user-owned directory.
  • System installation: The recommended task if you have sudo access to the target machine. This task installs all the necessary dependencies in the system before compiling and installing NGAS.

Basic per-user installation

To compile and install NGAS in a user-owned directory run:

fab hl.user_deploy

This task will:

  • Check that SSH is working on the target host
  • Copy the NGAS sources to the target host
  • Compile and install NGAS into a virtualenv on the target host
  • Create a minimal, working NGAS root directory
  • Finally, modify the corresponding ~/.bash_profile file to automatically load the NGAS virtualenv when the user enters a bash shell.

The user on the target host used for running these tasks is the SSH user given to fabric via the command line (fab -u <user>).

This task doesn’t take care of installing any dependencies needed by NGAS, assuming they all are met. For a more complete automatic procedure that takes care of that see the hl.operations_deploy task.

The following fabric variables (set via the --set command-line switch) are available to further customize the process:

Variable Description Default value
The directory where the NGAS
sources will be extracted on the
target host
The directory where the virtualenv
will be created and NGAS
The NGAS root directory created by
default by the installation
The git revision of the sources
used to compile and install NGAS
(only for sources from a git
repository). Keep in mind that
after cloning, you might have a
reference to remote branches
without having local branches
with the corresponding names, so
using NGAS_REV=v10 might not
work, but NGAS_REV=origin/v10
If specified, an existing
installation directory will be
Not specified
If specified, an existing
NGAS root directory will be
Not specified
If specified, configure pip to use as the
root TLS certificate. In some old
platforms this is needed so pip
trusts PyPI downloads
Not specified
Comma-separated list of extra
python packages to install
Not specified
If specified, skip the compilation
and installation of the NGAS C
Not specified
If specified, NGAS will not depend
(and will avoid installing) the
crc32c python package. This is
useful if you know this feature is
not planned to be used at runtime
Not specified
If specified, install the NGAS
Python modules in development mode
Not specified
If specified, skip the
installation of python packages
needed to build the NGAS
Not specified
If specified, skip the edition of
the user’s ~/.bash_profile for
automatic virtualenv sourcing
Not specified
The server type configured after
installing NGAS (archive,

For example, to install the tip of the v8 branch as user foo in hosts bar1 and bar2, and without compiling the C client, the following command would do:

fab hl.user_deploy -u foo -H bar1,bar2 --set NGAS_NO_CLIENT,NGAS_REV=v8

Total system setup


sudo must be installed and configured in the target host for this task to work properly. Also, the user used with fab (fab -u <user>) needs to be properly configured on the target host to use sudo commands.

To perform a system-wide setup and NGAS install run:

fab hl.operations_deploy

This task will:

  • Check that SSH is working on the target host
  • Check that sudo is installed (sudo is used to run commands as root).
  • Install all necessary system packages (using the OS-specific package manager) for compiling NGAS and its dependencies
  • Compile and install a suitable version of python (2.7) if necessary
  • Create the NGAS_USER if necessary
  • Proceed with the normal NGAS compilation and installation as performed by hl.user_deploy
  • Install an /etc/init.d script for automatic startup of the server.

The user on the target host used for running the sudo commands is the SSH user given to fabric via the command line (fab -u <user>).

On top of the normal fabric variables used by hl.user_deploy the following additional variables control this script:

Variable Description Default value
The user under which the NGAS
installation will take place
Comma-separated list of extra
system-level packages to install
on the target system(s)
Not specified

Currently supported OSs are Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and MacOSX Darwin, but more might work or could be added in the future.

Other Fabric tasks

On top of the two main Fabric tasks to install NGAS, our fabric modules define a number of other optional, high-level tasks that can be useful in other scenarios.

AWS deployment


The boto module is required for using this install option.

The fabric modules contain routines to create an NGAS installation on AWS machines. This is performed by running:

fab hl.aws_deploy

This procedure will: * Create and bring up the required AWS instances * Wait until they are fully operational, and * Perform a hl.operations_deploy on the instances.

On top of the normal fabric variables used by hl.user_deploy and hl.operations_deploy the following additional variables control the AWS-related aspects of the script:

Variable Description Default value
The profile to use when connecting
to AWS
The AWS region to connect to
The private SSH key to be used to
create the instances, and later to
connect to them
The name associated to an AMI
(from a predetermined set of AMI
IDs) which will be used to create
the instance
The number of instances to create
The type of instances to create
The name of instances to create
The name of the security group to
attach to the instances (will be
created if it doesn’t exist)
A comma-separated list of public
IPs to associate with the new
instances, if specified.
Not specified

For example, to create 3 instances of type t3.micro on region us-east-2 one would run:

fab hl.aws_deploy --set AWS_REGION=us-east-2,AWS_INSTANCES=3,AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE=t3.micro

To assist with AWS-related procedures the following other tasks are also available:

fab aws.list_instances
fab aws.terminate_instance:instance_id=<the-instance-id>

Docker Image


These instructions are to build a docker image with NGAS. If you simply want to use the pre-built images see Docker container.


The docker python package is required to use of this install option. Also, a local docker daemon must be running and the current user must have access to perform docker operations.

To build a Docker container containing an NGAS installation simply run:

fab hl.docker_image

This will generate an image called icrar/ngas:latest based on CentOS 7. When started, the container by default will run the NGAS server. The NGAS server will look for a configuration file under /home/ngas/NGAS/cfg/ngamsServer.conf, which by default needs to be provided via volume mapping.

This task will:

  • Create an initial Docker image with SSH on it
  • Start a container using that image
  • Perform a hl.operations_deploy on the container
  • Perform some cleanups on the container, including removing the NGAS_ROOT directory
  • Commit the container and create the final Docker image

On top of the normal fabric variables used by hl.user_deploy and hl.operations_deploy the following additional variables control the Docker-related aspects of the task:

Variable Description Default value
If specified, the NGAS root
directory will still be present in
the final image
Not specified
If specified, the NGAS source
directory will still be present in
the final image
Not specified
The repository for the final image
produced by this task

Docker container

Alternatively, if you don’t need to build NGAS from sources you can use the pre-built docker image we distribute for NGAS. To do so you can do:

docker pull icrar/ngas:latest

Then follow the instructions in the DockerHub page to get yourself started.