
The NGAS server is the heart of NGAS.


The NGAS server is configured via an XML configuration file, which is indicated to the server at startup time via the -cfg command-line flag (see Running the server).

To see more details about the XML documentation go to the Configuration section.

Running Modes

The NGAS server can be run in three different modes:

  • As a cache server
  • As a data-mover (or read-only) server
  • As a normal server

Selecting which mode will be used is done by editing the server configuration file.

Additionally, server can be configured to be allowed to perform a specific set of actions. For details see Permissions.

Cache mode

When started in cache mode, an NGAS server starts its cache control thread, enabling it to periodically remove files from its underlying storage after they have been successfully transmitted to the configured subscribers. This behavior effectively turns the NGAS server into a temporary cache for data in transit to some other location.

To start an NGAS server with its cache control thread enabled you need the configure the caching element of the server configuration file.


A server in cache mode was historically started by running an ngamsCacheServer executable. Since v11.0 this alternative doesn’t exist anymore, and centralizing the server’s starting mode in its configuration file.

Data mover mode

When started in data-mover mode, an NGAS server configures itself to operate in a read-only mode.

This mode is meant to be used as a complementing background-processing system to a main NGAS server instance. While the main NGAS server instance manages the data in and out of the volumes, a data-mover server can still read data out and perform other tasks, like taking care of subscriptions or perform background processing.

To start an NGAS server in data-mover mode you need to use the -datamover command-line switch when running the ngamsServer script.

Proxy behavior

When NGAS servers are deployed in a cluster configuration (i.e., many servers connected to a single central database), clients can issue commands to any server in the cluster.

In this scenario it can happen that clients contact a server with a command that can only be fulfilled by a different server (e.g., fetching data). In those cases the server contacted by the client can either respond with an HTTP redirect answer to the client, or it can act as a proxy, issuing the command to the second server on behalf of the client, and forwarding the response as it comes. This behaviour can be set in a per-server basis via their corresponding configuration file. See Server for details.

Storage organization


When NGAS was first designed, data was mostly transported manually by swapping physical disks in and out of server. Thus, data was organized by disks, which were mounted onto the filesystem hierarchy into a particular directory.

Nowadays transport happens mostly through the network, even for long-distance transmissions, with disks staying fixed, or rarely replaced. Data still gets archived into a directory though, usually corresponding to the root of a filesystem mount point. Thus, we usually prefer to refer to these top-level data directories as volumes, a more generic term.

Volumes are directories in the filesystem, usually under the NGAS root directories (makes it easier to see them all together). Because they are used to organize how data gets archived, users will still want to map them to disk partitions or mounted filesystems via symbolic links. Otherwise (specially in testing scenarios) a simple directory can also be used.

Storage sets

Volumes are grouped in storage sets. A storage set will usually consist of only one volume, the main volume, but it can optionally contain also a replication volume. Replication volumes are usually not required nowadays (because data is replicated via the network, and/or because mount points are backed up by different RAID setups), and therefore you will very unlikely need one.


Storage sets form the base for organizing data storage. An NGAS server is configured to store certain types of data into certain storage sets. Such mappings from a data type (i.e., a MIME type) and one or more storage sets is called a stream.

Streams made it easy to collect all data of a certain type in one or more disks, which then could be swapped out for data movement. Because of this, in practice only the ARCHIVE command follows this configuration to determine the target disk to host the incoming data. On the other hand, the QARCHIVE command doesn’t obey these rules, as it was designed with network transport as means of replication. With network-based replication the physical volume hosting the data locally does not have a great impact anymore, and therefore the system tries to fill them evenly.


When a file is being archived into NGAS the server will calculate its CRC as part of the archiving process. The CRC is saved into the database as an integer value, and is used later to check the integrity of the file.

Three CRC variants are currently supported by the NGAS server, which in the future might expand:

  • crc32: This is the original implementation. It uses python’s binascii.crc32 method to calculate the CRC, and therefore it is fully implemented in software. This variant does not mask the value with 0xffffffff, and therefore in python 2.7 the integer value that gets stored in the database can be negative (while in python 3 the value is strictly an unsigned integer).
  • crc32c: A hardware-based implementation available as part of Intel’s SSE 4.2 instruction set. This variant will only be available if the crc32c package is installed.
  • crc32z: Like crc32, but generates the same integer values even across different python versions. Users should prefer this variant over crc32, which is still maintained for backwards-compatibility reasons.


The crc32c package is automatically installed by the NGAS installation script, unless the NGAS_NO_CRC32C environment variable is defined.


Care has been put in ensuring that even the values produced by crc32 are correctly compared, so even if users choose that method checksum comparisons should still yield the correct answer.

Depending on your environment choosing to use one method over the other might bring significant improvements on archiving times for large files. To configure which method should be used across an entire NGAS installation change the ArchiveHandling.CRCVariant setting on the NGAS configuration.

Also, users can install NGAS without crc32c support if their CPUs do not support the SSE 4.2 instruction set. (see inst for details).


When a RETRIEVE request is issued by a client, the data sent by the server can optionally be processed on-the-fly before serving it back to the client.

This behavior can be provided by users with potentially different plug-ins used to process different mime-types. See Processing for details.

Archiving events

The NGAS server features an archiving event mechanism. Each time a new file is archived, a new archiving event is generated, and a list of event handlers is invoked with the given event. The NGAS server has its won internal event handlers, but users can also provide their own via plug-ins. This mechanism is a flexible way of enabling archiving notifications and reacting on these events.

Users wanting to implement their own event handlers should write a python class to handle it, and configure the server to use that class.


An NGAS server can be in one of two states at any given time: ONLINE and OFFLINE. The state is meant to represent the availability of the NGAS service. In addition, an IDLE or BUSY sub-state represents the activity that is going on on the server.

States are used by the different Commands to decide whether a particular action can take place or not. If the current state/sub-state allows the operation it will continue without interruptions; otherwise the user will receive an error stating that the server is in the wrong state/sub-state.

The NGAS server starts by default on the OFFLINE state. If the server is started with the -autoOnline command-line flag (see how to run the server) it will move itself automatically to the ONLINE state after initializing. At runtime the state can be toggled via different Commands.

Requests database

The NGAS server keeps a rotating set of all incoming client requests for future status querying. When a client request comes in, it is first registered into a requests database. After the request is served as usual, the corresponding item in the request database is updated to reflect the final state of the request. If a request is asynchronous in nature (e.g., it spawns a background task that will finish later in time), the entry in the requests database may also be updated as it logic is executed, even if the initial response has already been sent to the user. This, together with the STATUS command, are the basis for asynchronous command execution and monitoring (used only the CLONE command).

The requests database has three different implementations. The implementation used by the server is configured by the RequestDbBackend attribute in the Server configuration element. The first, a BSDDB-based one, is the most expensive to use, as it needs to lock during I/O access, but it provides persistence across executions. A second, memory-based implementation is also available. This is faster as it doesn’t involve disk I/O, but doesn’t provide persistence. Finally, a null implementation is provided. This implementation is provided for cases when a request database is known not to be needed (e.g., no asynchronous commands are ever issued).

Logical Containers

NGAS supports the concepts of logical containers. They are called logical to distinguish them from physical containers. Physical containers are currently only envisioned and not implemented, so for the rest of the document we use container and logical containers interchangeably.

Logical containers are a way of grouping files together, which in turn allows to perform container-wise operations like retrieval or archiving. Files can be added to or removed from a container independently, but can belong to only one container (or none) at a time. Finally, containers can be hierarchically organized, with one parent container (or none) allowed per container.

Container thus allow to organize files stored in NGAS in a filesystem-like structure, where directories are NGAS containers and files are NGAS files.

Containers are handled via the different container commands.


NGAS supports authentication via the standard HTTP Authorization header. Currently only Basic authentication is supported, but more authentication methods could be added in the future. On top of authentication, a binary authorization scheme is implemented which allows users or not to run a command.

In other words, NGAS can be set up to allow different users to run different commands. Details on how to set up this configuration can be found in Authorization.


The NGAS server outputs its logs to two different places: the standard output, and a logfile. Users will mostly be interested in the logfile, as it provides a persistent location to inspect logs. To avoid cluttering, the NGAS server rotates these logfiles after a fixed amount of time, and after each time the server starts.

Each time the logfile is rotated, its name is first changed to make space for the next logfile. If the Log.ArchiveRotatedLogFiles option is set in the configuration file, then the logfile is archived into the NGAS server itself for easier retrieval. Finally, users can also write more code to handle a rotated logfile.

Details on how to configure logging in NGAS can be found in Log. To learn how to write logfile handler plug-ins see Logfile handling.

Email Notifications

The NGAS server can be configured to send emails to different email addresses when particular events happen.

For further explanation on the full range of options and how to configure them, see Notification.


An NGAS server can be configured to put itself into suspension mode after it detects it has been idle (i.e., not serving external requests) for a certain amount of time.

Later on, if a request arrives that ultimately needs to be served by a currently idle server, a Wake Up server will be contacted and tasked with waking up the idle server.

Note that host suspension makes sense in scenarios where only a couple of NGAS servers are public-facing and acting like proxies to a bigger cluster of NGAS server. In such setup, idling internal servers in the cluster can be safely managed. If all servers in the cluster were exposed publicly, sending a server into idling would not work as expected, as direct requests going into that host will not automatically cause it to wake up.

Host suspension is configured in the server configuration file as shown in HostSuspension.