
A central feature of NGAS is its extensibility. By writing different types of plug-ins users can modify the default behaviour of NGAS, add functionality that is specific to their projects, or adjust some details for specific platforms.


Regardless of the type of plug-in you want to install, NGAS must be able to find it. Because it is not always possible to install user-written code alongside NGAS itself (e.g., NGAS installation could be read-only, or writeable only by root) NGAS loads user-provided code from any arbitrary, user-defined location. This is indicated in the server’s configuration file with the PluginsPath variable. For details on how this works see the Server configuration element.

Developing plug-ins

Depending on the type of plug-in you want to develop, different interfaces must be obeyed. Also, even though all plug-ins can be installed in the same area, configuring the server to actually use them is a different task, and which is different from one plug-in type to another.

The following sub-sections detail each plug-in type, what is the interface they should obey, and how to configured the server to use it.